How to create Active Record migrations in Ruby on Rails
In Ruby on Rails, migrations are essential for managing changes to your database schema over time. They let you modify your database structure using Ruby code, rather than writing raw SQL. This tutorial will show you commands for creating migration tasks using Active Record, Rails' built-in ORM.
How to use Turbo Streams to display a shopping cart item count
In this video lesson, we add a visual enhancement to our shopping app. When a user adds a product to their shopping cart, we show a count of their cart items in the navbar.
How to build an image gallery in Rails with Stimulus
Learn how to create an interactive image gallery in Ruby on Rails using Stimulus.js. Step-by-step tutorial from the Full Stack Rails Mastery course.
How to accept payments with Stripe in Rails
Learn how to integrate Stripe payments into your Rails app with step-by-step guidance from the Full Stack Rails Mastery course. Boost your e-commerce skills today.
Compare React vs Stimulus
Using a standalone React app with a Rails API
How to upgrade a Rails 7 app to Rails 8
In this video lesson, we upgrade a Rails 7.2 app to Rails 8.
How to use Capybara with Selenium for Rails system tests
In this video lesson, we add Rails system tests for our shopping cart using the Capybara gem. System tests are great for simulating testing end-to-end functionality in the browser.
Controller tests for Stripe Webhooks
System tests for creating and editing products
System tests for shopping cart checkout
Unit tests for the Cart model
Unit tests for the User model
Unit tests for the Product model
In this video lesson, we'll write unit tests for the Product model in an ecommerce app using Minitest with fixtures. We'll use the tests to improve the code and add model validations.
Introduction to Minitest for testing Rails apps
How to handle Stripe subscription cancellations in Rails
How to process Stripe subscription webhooks in Rails
How to setup monthly subscriptions in Rails with Stripe
In this lesson, we'll learn how to add monthly subscription payments to our Rails app with Stripe. We'll set up a recurring payment product in Stripe and use that to create a Stripe Checkout Session.
How to use Rails Active Job with Sidekiq for background jobs
How to use Rails Action Mailer to send order confirmation emails