How to deploy a Rails app to
Learn how to deploy your Rails application to with step-by-step instructions from the Full Stack Rails Mastery course. Streamline your deployment process today.
How to set up a Rails app with Devise gem for user authentication
Learn how to integrate Devise gem for user authentication in a Rails app, step-by-step. Part of the Full Stack Rails Mastery course.
How to handle cart modifications after initiating checkout
Fixing a nil bug in the shopping cart item count code
How to process a Stripe webhook for a shopping cart order
How to create a Stripe Checkout session for a shopping cart with multiple products
How to remove a product from the shopping cart
How to add a product to a shopping cart
In this video lesson, we'll add a way for buyers to add products to a shopping cart. We'll add an "Add to cart" button to the product page and a corresponding controller action in the CartItemsController for creating a cart item in the buyer's cart.
Shopping Cart Data Models
In this lesson we'll look at the data models we need to implement a shopping cart feature, so that users can buy more than one product in one transaction.
Adding a shopping cart page and navbar link
In this video lesson, we'll add a shopping cart page where the buyer can see the list of products they've added to their cart. We'll also add a shopping cart icon that links to the cart in the navbar.
Seeding the development database using the Faker gem
How to use the Faker gem in Rails to generate fake user and product data for development.
Add name and profile photo to Users
In this tutorial, we'll add a new name field with a migration and use Active Storage attachments to add a profile photo to the User model.
Solution: Use Active Record callbacks to set unique Stripe price id for products
In this lesson, we'll use Active Record callbacks and the Stripe API to add a unique Stripe Price ID to a product whenever its price changes.
Challenge: Replace hardcoded Stripe price id with product-specific ids
Learn how to dynamically set Stripe price IDs for each product in your Rails app, improving flexibility and maintainability in your e-commerce system.
How to optimize database queries in Rails with EXPLAIN ANALYZE
The 80/20 Rule of Rails performance
Adding Product Reviews with Turbo Stream Actions and Templates
Discover how to implement dynamic product reviews using Turbo Stream actions and templates in Rails, enhancing user experience and SEO performance.
How to use Turbo Streams to display Rails flash messages
Learn how to implement Turbo Streams for displaying Rails flash messages, enhancing user experience in your web applications with Full Stack Rails Mastery.
NoMethodError in Devise::RegistrationsController#create
Learn how to troubleshoot and resolve the NoMethodError in Devise::RegistrationsController#create.
How to use ViewComponents in Ruby on Rails
Discover how to use ViewComponents in Ruby on Rails for cleaner, more maintainable UI code. Learn the benefits over traditional partials and see practical examples."