Early access

Full Stack Rails Mastery

Learn to build professional Rails 7 apps with complete step-by-step video lessons and challenges.

Rails 7 backend and frontend

Hotwire, Stimulus, Turbo

Payments with Stripe

3 FREE Bonus courses ($497 value)

Access to full source code

FREE Lifetime updates

Lifetime access

Join 100 others and level up.
Full Stack Rails Mastery

"The course is well-structured and Hrishi is excellent at explaining things in great detail. I liked that it starts with basics and gradually builds up a realistic ecommerce marketplace app, using Rails and Hotwire. Looking forward to watching more new lessons getting added!"

NOTE: This is a pre-order. The course is under production. Lessons are being published on a rolling basis until all the modules are complete.
Do you wish you could build Rails 7 apps without feeling like you don't quite know what you're doing?
Maybe you want to start your own SaaS startup or build side projects or make more money as a professional Rails developer. Or maybe you just love learning!

You can build toy apps and manage to contribute in a team as long as there are others making decisions. But when it comes to building on your own, you're never sure if you're doing things the right way.

You don't know best practices. You feel like an imposter and it's only a matter of time before you get found out and everyone realises you're faking it.

I know what that feels like.

Trust me, I've been there.

Don't you wish there was a way to plug all the holes in your knowlege?
To feel confident in your ability to build production quality apps?

Introducing Full Stack Rails Mastery

A premium education program designed to teach you not only the tips and tricks to build scalable production grade web apps step-by-step, but also challenge you along the way to really understand the why behind the code (not just the how and what).
You will cover a lot of ground in this course without feeling overwhelmed.

Because we will be building a real-world web app gradually from the ground up.

There's a detailed table of contents further down this page but in a nutshell, this is what we'll build:
A 2-sided marketplace app which will cover elements of the most common types of products out there:
  • 2-sided Marketplace with buyers and sellers - data modelling, payments through Stripe, handling Webhooks
  • SaaS - subscription business model for access to specific software features
  • eCommerce - charging one-time fees for goods, shopping cart for buying multiple products
  • CMS features - rich text product descriptions, product reviews, embedding images
  • Modern Rails stack - Hotwire - Stimulus, Turbo Drive, Turbo Frames, Turbo Streams

Instead of learning concepts in a vacuum, you will learn them as and when you need them to build this app.

There will be challenges after every few lessons to keep you engaged and really understand the material.

What exactly is inside the course?



Introduction to building a simple 2-sided marketplace app (FREE Preview)

How to set up a Rails 7 app with Devise gem for user authentication (FREE Preview)

Setting up data models for the marketplace

Setting up the homepage and product pages

Challenge 1: Fix the product editing bug

Solution to Challenge 1: Fix the product editing bug


How to set up Stripe in a Rails app

Adding session info and links

Add a buy button and checkout form

How to handle Stripe webhooks to fulfill orders

Challenge 2: Replace hardcoded Stripe price id with product-specific ids


How to add image attachments in Rails using Active Storage

How to add a rich text editor in Rails with Action Text

How to remove a column using a Rails migration


How to build an image gallery in Rails with Stimulus(FREE Preview)

How Turbo Drive speeds up navigation in Rails

How to use Turbo Frames

How to use Turbo Streams to display Rails flash messages

How to use Turbo Stream actions to prepend new Reviews

How to broadcast record changes to multiple clients using Turbo Streams and Turbo Morph


Data modelling for a shopping cart feature

Add items to cart

Add to cart button animation

Update item count in navbar cart

Cart page - remove items

Cart Checkout - modify Stripe checkout to account for multiple items

Fulfill order - Update Stripe webhook handling for multiple items


Add Pro upgrade button to buyer profile

Create price plan in Stripe

Add data model for subscriptions

Handle Stripe Webhook for subscriptions

Show pro badge on user profile on success


NoMethodError in Devise::RegistrationsController#create

cannot load such file -- sassc

Rails LoadError Generating image variants require the image_processing gem


How to setup Rails Guides for offline use

How to allow ID attributes in Action Text

The following book and courses are all included for free if you enroll in Full Stack Rails Mastery today.

I'm pouring everything I've learned over the last 13 years working with Rails into this program.

I've made many mistakes and learned to write good Rails code the hard way.

This course is your shortcut to avoid the same mistakes I've made.

NOTE: This is a pre-order. The course is under production. A lot of modules are already live. More lessons are being published every week. 

About The Author

Hi, I'm a senior web developer with over a decade of experience. I've built and shipped software products for many different organisations including small startups, large government departments and enterprise SaaS companies.

I'm the founder of Learnetto (this site!) and the creator of the free Full-Stack Rails Masterclass, the Complete React on Rails Course, Get Your First Developer Job course and the author of the R Graphs Cookbook published by Packt.


Pre-order now to get early access

Risk-free 60-day refund policy. No questions asked.

Full Stack Career Bundle (TOTAL VALUE $696)

What's included

  • Rails 7 backend and frontend

  • Access to full source code

  • Hotwire - Stimulus, Turbo Drive, Turbo Frames, Turbo Streams

  • Payments with Stripe

  • BONUS 1: FREE access to 6-figure Contractor Premium Program ($299 value)

  • BONUS 2: FREE access to Get Your First Developer Job ($99 value)

  • BONUS 3: FREE access to Complete React on Rails Course ($99 value)

  • FREE Lifetime Updates

  • Lifetime access

Pay once, own it forever


Save $90

60-day refund policy

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Email [email protected] with your question.

Who is this course NOT for?
If you don't know what Ruby on Rails is, this course is not for you. If you have never used Rails at all, this course is not for you.

I recommend at least learning the basics of Rails using the official Rails guide or any youtube tutorial before you purchase this course.

This course is also not for you if you think you're an Expert and know everything there is to know.
Which version of Rails is this course based on?
This course is based on Rails 7.
Can I have a discount because I am a student/poor/live in a poor country/bad economy?
No. Because where you live doesn't matter any more. In 2024, it shouldn't matter.

If you're a working Rails developer, this course will pay for itself within half a day.

If you're earning anything less than a few hundred dollars a day as a Rails developer, then what you need more than technical skills is to learn how to present yourself properly to employers.

And guess what? I will teach you that too! Through two FREE bonus courses I'm including with this program - 6-figure Contractor Premium Program (worth $299) and Get Your First Developer Job (worth $99).

In fact, I will even personally review your CV/resume and job applications (just email me after your purchase).
Who is this course for?
This course is for Ruby on Rails developers at a beginner to intermediate level. You need to know at least the basics of Ruby on Rails to get the most out of this course.

"Intermediate" is a huge range, but you will get value out of this course even if you are at the higher end of intermediate experience.

This course is for anyone who wants to start their own startup, build their own side projects, get a better job, become a freelancer or contractor, or just learn more about Rails.
Why should I pre-order instead of waiting till the course is complete?
As an early supporter, you'll get a discount. This is a premium training program and once all the content has been published, the price will be higher than most courses in the market.

When you pre-order, you get early access to all lessons as soon as they are published. You also get a chance to tell me what else you'd like to be covered. Let me know and I'll make a lesson for you!

And to be perfectly honest, your pre-order gives me the support and boost I need to make the best course for you.
Is this a one-time fee or a recurring subscription?
This is a one-time fee. You will only be charged once.
How long will I have access to the content?
You will have unlimited lifetime access to the content. You can use it any time at your own convenience.
What happens if I'm not happy with my purchase? What is your refund policy?
We have a completely risk-free refund policy. If you're not happy with your purchase for any reason, you can get a full refund within 60 days of your purchase. Just email [email protected] with the email address you purchased with and your receipt number.

Ready to dive in? Request early access now.