Definite Guide to building products with OpenAI

Resources, Examples, and Ideas for building profitable startups or cool side projects with OpenAI's GPT-3 API.

DRM-free eBook (Download in PDF, Kindle and ePub formats) Lifetime access
 The age of commercial AI, available as a cloud API is here. One can call an AI API, like any other Cloud service, and build products around it. 
 One of the biggest players in this space is OpenAI. Founders are already starting & building profitable companies, built around products enabled by OpenAI APIs. 
 For Example: 
 Copy.AI Crosses $30K MRR in 3 months
 HeadLime Crosses $6K MRR
 The possibilities of building new products or integrating OpenAI into existing products is limitless. 
 I am writing this guide to help Product Builders go from Zero to Hero in building products with OpenAI APIs. 
 This is a guide with examples & resources to get your creative juices flowing on what to build when you get access to the OpenAI API. 
 This is not a technical guide on how to use the API in the code. OpenAI's official documentation does an awesome job in that. 
 Writing in Public 
 This guide is a work-in-progress and will be updated on a regular basis. I will be writing this guide in public. This means, I will be making chapters available to read here on this page as and when they are ready. I will also be sharing the progress on Twitter
 If you want to be notified when an update is posted, follow me on Twitter or subscribe to receive email notification. 
 Send me an email at if you want to talk about this guide, have any questions or want to provide any feedback. I would love to hear what you have to say about the topic. 
 Disclaimer: Not Associated with OpenAI in any official capacity. 

About The Author

Harish Garg
Harish Garg
Founder, Product Builder and Writer

Founder. Building a GPT-3 Powered SaaS Product.

Author of multiple technical books & Video Courses, including one on OpenAI GPT-3.

Table of Contents

What's inside the book?

  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1. About the book and author
  • 2. What is OpenAI and GPT-3?
  • 3. How do you get access to GPT-3?
  • 4. Interviews with Founders building with OpenAI
    • 4.1. OpenAI GPT-3 Guide - Founder Interview - Oras Al-Kubaisi
  • 5. Examples of Real-world profitable projects built using OpenAI GPT-3?
  • 6. Real World Fun Projects
  • 7. What are the best ways to use GPT-3?
  • 8. What are the ways not to use GPT-3?
  • 9. What is possible right now
  • 10. Steal these Ideas.
  • 11. Potential Use cases
  • 12. Beware of the cost
  • 13. Beyond OpenAI
  • 14. Notable People to watch & follow
  • 15. Resources
  • 16. Glossary


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