Introduction to the course
Introduction to React
- What is React?
- Why do we need React?
- What is a React Component?
- What is JSX?
- What are Props?
- What is State?
Your first React Rails app
- How to use React inside Ruby on Rails
- Setting up the Eventlite app with webpacker
- Eventlite app components structure
- Listing Events
- Adding a backend Event data model
- Adding a React form component to create new records
- Handling form submissions in React
- Lifting state up
- Deploying your React Rails app to Heroku
- Server side rendering (SSR) with React and Rails
Forms in depth
- Basic React form validation in a Rails app
- Client-side form validation in Rails with React
- Generalised Form Validations - Part 1
- Generalised form validations - Part 2
- Typechecking With PropTypes
- Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components - What are Refs?
Using React with a Rails API
- Creating a Rails API
- Using Create React App to build a standalone frontend app
- API User authentication with devise_token_auth
- Adding a Login form
- Linking the User and Event models
- Displaying session data and signing out
- Adding a Signup form
- Exercises for Rails API Authentication with React
React Router
- Introduction to React Router
- Home and authentication routes
- React Router Links for navigating between routes
- Redirection
- Viewing a single record on its own Route
- Editing a record - Part 1
- Editing an event - Part 2
- Deleting a record
- Exercises for React Router
React Hooks
- What are React Hooks?
- useState - The State Hook
- useEffect - The Effect Hook
- React Router hooks
- Exercises for React Hooks
Styling React apps
- Introduction to Styling React components
- How to use Bootstrap with React (react-bootstrap)
- How to style your React app with Material UI
- Exercises for Styling React apps
Testing React Apps
What is State?
Learn about the State concept in React, its importance in building dynamic UIs, and how to implement it effectively in your React on Rails projects.